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Thank you for your patronage in the form of elevating your support to all merna! We know trusting an immortal is a risk, and following us as a human considering going higher in the ranks? Well, let’s just say you’ve earned this welcome package!
What do you receive?

Okay, which one of our five immortal covens and clans to did subscribe to? Either way, welcome to the digital swag tier!

Madam Mahlyce sends her welcome to the Lusty Strumpet!
What do you receive in your bunk?

Harumi and Lee welcome you with open arms, and they warn you not to make Martigan or Tuce grumpy. They’ve been working hard lately, and so have you! Thank you for pledging to our ranks with your patronage and service. This is our first physical swag tier, AKA THE TIARA BOOK BOX! What do you receive?

You wanted to work with Kovileous and Frey, eh? Well, now is your chance! Welcome to the second physical tier of THE TIARA BOOK BOX!
What do you receive?

The Elders are considering electing you to their ranks. Wow. This is a high honor, and we are thankful for all you do to support us! What do you receive?